Group Addition New Group Information Group Addition To add new or existing groups to Memberium and LearnDash School/OrganizationName of group Tag NameName of group Standard Format State or country - name of group - type of group (if necessary) EX: OR - Stanfield HSGroup Leader First Last This is the actual Group LeaderGroup Leader Email This is the actual email of the Group Leader - not necessarily the group leader control email Dummy Account Needed This account needs a dummy management account Dummy Account Name Organization Organization Name = First Name Group Leader = Last Name EX: Stanfield GroupLeaderDummy Account EmailThis will be Name of Organization EX: OR-Stanfield@3dinstitute.comSingle Use or Seat License Single Use Seat License Single Use Courses All Sport Courses 3D Coaching for Sport: Certification 3D Coaching for Education: Certification 3D Coaching for Business: Certification 3DS: Essentials 3DS: Coaching for Credit 3DS: Obtaining Alignment 3DS: Shaping Culture 3DS: Coaching for Parents 3DS: VHSL 3DS: Coaching for Admins 3DS: OSAA 3DS: VPA 3DS: Resource LIbrary CC: Formula for Change CC: Mastering the Heart CC: The Art of 3D Teaching 3DE: Coaching for Admins All In on your Focused Mission CC: The Purpose of Business 3DS: Coaching International Seat License Yearly Expiration Date Month Day Year Date the license expiresNumber of Uses or SeatsRemember on seat licenses to add one to the total for the group leaderCSV Information I have a CSV File to upload I do NOT have a CSV file to upload I have code uses to pull CSV from CSV File UploadAccepted file types: csv, Max. file size: 100 MB.Upload File Must be in columns: FIRST NAME LAST NAME EMAILCode Use Names Add RemoveThese must be on the code uses excel sheet Δ