Harnessing the Power of Joy

Harnessing the Power of Joy

Remember as a kid when you went out to play with your siblings or neighborhood friends, and there were NO ADULTS around? What did you do? How long would you do it for? How was your effort? What was your attitude like?

If you want to maximize your athletes potential, you need to gain at least some understanding about the 2nd Dimension topic of Emotions. Some emotions can help performance. Other emotions harm performance. Do you know which are which?

In the video above, Dr. Jeff Duke of the 3D Institute to shares some key insights about how to harness the power of emotions to get your athletes playing at an optimal level. After you sample this small portion of our training, go ahead and get access to the full training so you are well equipped to address the other 2nd Dimension topics as well. In addition to receiving our complete training on Emotions, we will you develop strategies for:

  • Motivation: learn to intrinsically motivate your players
  • Confidence: establish confidence when confidence is lost
  • Team Cohesion: get individuals to buy into the team concept
  • Goal Setting: learn how to set process goals to achieve your performance and outcome goals

We’ll train you up on the 3rd Dimension issues too. Remember though, Level 2 and Level 3 issues require Level 2 and Level 3 strategies if you want your athletes to play their best. We’re here to help.


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