Joel Enoch

High-Performing Athlete and Coach Developer, Joel Enoch is a Scottish, British and World Championship winning athlete and Award-Winning Coach to multiple European and World Championship medallists.

With a background in endurance sport, he has worked as a Paralympic Talent Development Coach for British Cycling, Tutor for British Triathlon, Mentor for The True Athlete Project and Writer for 220 Triathlon Magazine. Joel has a vision of building the work of both the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and 3D Institute in Scotland and the UK and is actively seeking opportunities to partner with high-performance sporting organisations with the aim of shifting a culture that defines success as winning to one marked by the development of the 5 C’s: Character, Confidence, Connection, Competence and Care, built on a foundation of purpose.

He has an academic background in Sports Science (BSc) and Nutrition & Health (MSc) and he runs The Elevate Multisport Academy and specialises in the holistic development of high performing individuals helping them flourish to become a better version of themselves. He is a husband, Dad and seeks to live life to the full.