The Formula for Change

The Formula for Change
By Mark Hull

All growth requires change. All change requires a growth mindset. Change is uncomfortable. Therefore all meaningful change is a process. The process we like to use is called the “Formula for Change,” which was created by David Gleicher in the early 1960s and refined by Kathie Dannemiller in the 1980s.

[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none” inject=”#3DCoaching Read more at:”] All growth requires change. All change requires a growth mindset. Change is uncomfortable. Therefore all meaningful change is a process. The process we like to use is called the “Formula for Change.”[/tweet_box]

Here’s how it looks:

C = D x V x FS > R

Here’s what the letters mean:

Change – What specific change do you want to make? What do you want to fix? Stop? Start? Learn?

Discontent – What’s wrong? What’s broken? What is it about the present situation that is driving the desire to change?

Vision – You cannot create what you cannot see. What is the preferred vision of the future worth creating?

First/Next Steps – To implement the change you identified, what are the first/next few steps you need to take?

Resistance – Who might want to stop this from happening and why? What can you do to possibly move them to letting or even making it happen?

Watch this video to understand why this is laid out as a MULTIPLICATION formula.

Where there is no vision but lots of methods, there is make-work.
Where there is vision but no understanding of method, there is frustration.
Where there is neither vision nor method, there is apathy.
But where the vision is strong, and the method is actually effective and workable,
Then transformation can happen.

[tweet_box design=”default” float=”none” inject=”#3DCoaching Read more at:”] …where the vision is strong, and the method is actually effective and workable, then transformation can happen.[/tweet_box]

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